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Case Report
Livin' Livedo Loca: Cholesterol embolization syndrome secondary to cardiac angiography
Nicholas Kevin Laidler
MBBS (Hons); BSc (Physio)

Article ID: 100003C03NL2015

Address correspondence to:
Nicholas Kevin Laidler
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Hospital Avenue, Nedlands
Western Australia
Australia 6009
Phone: +61421542271

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How to cite this article
Laidler NK. Livin' Livedo Loca: Cholesterol embolization syndrome secondary to cardiac angiography. Edorium J Cardiol 2015;2:4–8.

Introduction: Cholesterol embolization syndrome is a rare but well recognized cause of organ disease. There is no specific therapy for the disorder and treatment is comprised around the supportive care of existing end organ damage and secondary prophylaxis against subsequent episodes of cholesterol embolization.
Case Report: A case of a 68-year- old female with a history of ischemic heart disease, diabetes, supraventricular tachycardia, hypercholesterolaemia and diverticulitis who presented to hospital twice in three days with two different complaints, abdominal pain and then chest pain. The abdominal pain was dismissed as diverticular pain in lieu of any other evidence and a NSTEMI was found to be the cause of her chest pain. An angiogram was subsequently performed which precipitated an embolic shower causing end organ damage and providing a pathological basis for the patients initial presentation of abdominal pain.
Conclusion: Due to its non-specific presentation cholesterol embolization syndrome is frequently misdiagnosed and undetected. High clinical suspicion is the key to diagnosis.

Keywords: Angiography, Atheromatous embolization, Blue or Purple toe syndrome, Cholesterol crystal embolization, Complication

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Author Contributions
Nicholas Kevin Laidler – Substantial contributions to conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting the article, Revising it critically for important intellectual content, Final approval of the version to be published
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Authors declare no conflict of interest.
© 2015 Nicholas Kevin Laidler. This article is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original author(s) and original publisher are properly credited. Please see the copyright policy on the journal website for more information.